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Fraud report 2023
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A comprehensive report on identity fraud dynamics and innovative prevention methods

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Sources of our research
2+ mln
fraud attempts
countries and territories
Industries covered

Get valuable insights on identity fraud

Dive into comprehensive research on identity fraud trends, coupled with expert strategies to combat fraud in 2023 and beyond

Identity fraud rates
Identity fraud rates
Top-5 identity fraud trends
Top-5 identity fraud trends
Most vulnerable industries
Most vulnerable industries
Most forged documents
Most forged documents
Deepfake stats
Deepfake stats
AI challenges and regulations
AI challenges and regulations
Expert advice
Expert advice
Future trends for 2024
Future trends for 2024
Checklist on fraud protection
Checklist on fraud protection
Key findings
Identity fraud rates
Identity fraud rates
% of fraud in all verification worldwide
Countries most vulnerable to identity fraud
Countries most vulnerable to identity fraud
% of fraud from the total number of verifications
increase in the number of deepfakes detected worldwide from 2022 to 2023.
Top 5 industries with the highest percentage of identity fraud
Top 5 industries with the highest percentage of identity fraud
Fraud percentage by identity document type
Fraud percentage by identity document type
Unlock exclusive insights and advanced fraud analytics in the full report
Future trends
Protective measures
Fraud types

quoteWe’ve seen deepfakes become more and more convincing in recent years and this will only continue and branch out into new types of fraud, as seen with vocal deepfakes. Both consumers and companies need to remain hyper-vigilant to synthetic fraud and look to multi-layered anti-fraud solutions, not only deepfake detection.

Pavel Goldman-Kalaydin
Pavel Goldman-Kalaydin
Head of AI/ML at Sumsub
Pavel Goldman-Kalaydin
Fraud report 2023
Get Identity fraud report 2023
A comprehensive report on identity fraud dynamics and innovative prevention methods

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