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State of Verification
and Monitoring in
the Crypto Industry

A data-driven report on regulations and verification practices for crypto companies.

Identity fraud report 2022

Sources of our research

  • 100+

    crypto companies surveyed

  • 100M+

    checks analyzed

  • 800K+

    fraud attempts studied

Learn from
the titans of
the industry

Get a complete overview of the identity verification challenges crypto firms faced in 2023 and how to overcome them.

  • Performance stats

  • Process insights

  • Deepfake stats

  • User behavior trends

  • Top challenges

  • Expert advice

  • Future trends for 2024

Gear up to
scale securely

Arm yourself with knowledge on emerging fraud threats, compliance challenges, and onboarding optimization.

Key findings

Fraud insights

Crypto companies observed new fraud patterns in 2023


Increase in the number of deepfakes in the crypto industry in 2023


Crypto players reported an increase in fraud-related losses

98.5% of crypto companies already integrated or plan to integrate Travel Rule solution
Fraud rates in crypto verification, by countries
Verification speed in crypto
Largest pass rate growth in crypto over the year, by country

From 2022 to 2023, verification time for crypto companies nearly halved across all regions

By expediting onboarding processes, crypto firms eliminate the need for users to upload any documents, better allowing providers to keep pace with industry demands and enhance pass rates, all while thwarting the threat of synthetic fraud.

Jacob Sever

Co-founder, Chief Innovation Officer

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