KYC/AML service

Get more clients worldwide with rapid user verification

Scale globally, verify any document, and get top pass rates—all in a single verification platform

Maintain full compliance

Stay compliant anywhere. Flexible user verification, PoA checks, AML screening, and custom questionnaires.

Steer clear of all fraud

Get multilayered protection to prevent all types of synthetic fraud, identity theft, and document forgery

Get more global business

Establish seamless onboarding and verify users worldwide in under 30 seconds—with top pass rates.

Scale up secure user onboarding

Quickly verify users across the globe. Apply all necessary KYC checks in a seamless flow, designed to combat all fraud types, in all markets.

ID verification

Verify 14 000+ documents from 220+ countries and territories worldwide. That includes proof of address and any documents you need via custom questionnaires. Complex typescripts are easily recognized as well.

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Biometric verification

Perform liveness and Face Match verification to confirm true document holder identity. Sumsub’s advanced technology will match the ID photo to a live snapshot of the holder’s facial features.

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Address verification

Boost conversion rates and keep your regulator happy with the precise proof of address checks that take under a minute to complete. Available worldwide, with instant geolocation device checks.

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Non-documentary & database verification

If your customers are from India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, or Argentina, perform seamless non-documentary checks via government databases. You can also use them to validate any provided documents as an extra fraud prevention measure.

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Secure government database checks

Explore our map to find out where you can use document-free or document-based database verification to eliminate onboarding roadblocks.

Worldwide coverage

Go global without an issue. Sumsub supports 14 000+ documents, 37 interface languages, and 220+ countries and territories. Government database access allows non-documentary verification of 2 bln. people, with more to come.

See the average pass rate in your target country
France - 96.39%

Sumsub’s average pass rate for France is 96.39%

United Kingdom - 95.86%

Sumsub’s average pass rate for United Kingdom is 95.86%

United States - 91.64%

Sumsub’s average pass rate for United States is 91.64%

Flexible workflow builder

Build unique verification flows for different segments of your audience and completely automate the decision-making process. That way, legitimate users will onboard faster, while risky cases will require more verification steps to be approved. No coding skills required either.

Efficient case management

Sumsub centralized everything your compliance team needs in a single window. No-code workflow management, advanced inspection tools, KPI assessment and collaboration tools, are all at your disposal. Forrester TEI reports that Sumsub’s compliance efficiency improvements yield businesses $2.6M on average.

Easily integrate your tech stack with Sumsub

Use Sumsub to integrate the services you need via Web SDK, Mobile SDK, or our RESTful API. Alternatively, you can use Unilink to onboard users via a QR code or a link to the verification form without integrating Sumsub at all. Don’t worry about interruptions with 99.996% uptime.


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  • What is KYC software?

    KYC (Know Your Customer) software is used by both regulated and non-regulated to verify the identity of new clients. It is most often used by financial institutions, such as banks. KYC software helps prevent fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing. On top of that, it’s often required to maintain local or global compliance.

  • How does the KYC solution work?

    KYC solutions employ various automated and manual verification checks used to validate user identity. These checks include ID verification, source of funds checks, customer due diligence, and watchlist screening. On top of that, advanced KYC vendors like Sumsub also offer extra products such as workflow customization, reporting, dashboards, collaboration tools, and many other optimization measures useful for a compliance team.

  • How do I choose a KYC provider?

    There are a lot of factors to assess before choosing a KYC/AML solution for your business. A well-rounded KYC service is compliant worldwide, as well as accurate and fast in fraud detection and AML screening. It also should have good UI, integrate well with third-party services, and meet high standards of customer support, SLA delivery, and data privacy.

  • Which KYC service is best?

    The “best” solution to pick depends greatly on the requirements of your business. A proper KYC service offers a range of automated verification and authentication checks, integration options, and high pass rates globally. When choosing, evaluate the onboarding experience, verification accuracy, and compliance standards.

  • How much does KYC cost?

    Popular KYC providers generally offer either a flat fee per verification or a monthly subscription with a certain volume of verifications included in the package. Associated costs such as integration and training should also be accounted for when selecting KYC software. The price can start from as little as under a dollar per check.