Compliance as a service

Count on the world’s 1st compliance-as-a-service provider

Tackle the toughest AML challenges and scale your business worldwide with the help of our compliance experts

Our in-house compliance team
is at your service

Need help staying compliant with your jurisdiction? Here’s how we can step in:

AML policies and procedures

Our compliance experts assist in drafting AML policies and procedures, including Customer Due Diligence Procedure, Suspicious Activity Reporting, and more

Compliance consultations

Get expert help on regulatory specifics, as well as practical advice on building the most compliant and efficient user verification workflows

Verification of corporate clients (KYB)

Delegate in-depth due diligence to our team, including verification of corporate documents, ownership/control structures, and other data to ensure full compliance

We love sharing our
compliance expertise

Guides & reports

Compliance guidelines are available for jurisdictions in Europe, Asia, North America and other regions. We also have reports on verification practices by industry

Articles & news

Our compliance team is constantly monitoring regulatory changes to offer insights into new (and often confusing) regulatory demands

YouTube channel

We invite leading industry experts to discuss the hottest topics in KYC, KYB, AML and anti fraud

Don’t take our word for it

Giandomenico Palermiti
Giandomenico Palermiti

Bertolami Fine Art

AML standards are becoming a significant burden for our company, and Sumsub has proved invaluable in keeping up with the constantly changing rules and regulations. Our customer onboarding has become significantly easier, saving us a huge amount of time in terms of checks and data storage. The support provided is unrivalled, and we always have someone available to assist and support us when we need it. We regard them as a critical business partner.

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