Global Database Verification

Onboard seamlessly with Global Database Verification

Tackle identity, address, and age verification across the globe, without the need to upload documents

Boost pass rates worldwide

Reduce document upload hiccups and long wait times.

Accelerate user onboarding

Verify user data instantly to elevate the user experience.

Stay fraud-free and mitigate risks

Be certain that user data is genuine and up-to-date.

Streamline onboarding for billions of users
without requesting documents

Swiftly authenticate users using secure government databases. Save time and resources by eliminating cumbersome document verification steps.

Identity Verification

Cross-checks user data (name, ID number, and more) to ensure authenticity. It serves as a pre- or post-screening tool for early risk detection. It also offers a seamless onboarding experience for non-regulated clients when used independently.

Address Verification

Simplifies the verification process by cross-referencing addresses with reliable sources, eliminating the complexity of multiple POA document types. This significantly increases pass rates by up to 85%.

Coming soon

Age Verification

Ensures compliance with age restrictions by verifying the user's date of birth and personal data. This enables users to gain instant access to content and services without any barriers.

Let the numbers do the talking: get 240% ROI

Сompanies that work with Sumsub identity verification software save costs and increase revenue, according to the “Total Economic Impact™ Of Sumsub’s Verification Platform study by Forrester Consulting. Let’s see what results you can get

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    months payback

How it works

  • Users provide required data (name, ID number, date of birth, address, email, phone number).

    Step 1
  • Sumsub cross-checks it through local databases

    Step 2
  • Sumsub shares match results and compiles a complete identity profile

    Step 3

Why choose
Global Database Verification

Onboard users in seconds

Enable fast and user-friendly verification in any situation, as users don’t need to have physical documents readily available.

Scale in new markets

Sumsub's extensive database coverage spans 5.5 billion people from 45+ countries, including North America, LATAM, UK, and Africa.

Stop forgeries and synthetic fraud

Minimize the risk of error, misrepresentation while preventing a wide range of fraud, from forgeries to synthetic identity fraud, by cutting documents out of the process.

Save on verification costs

Reduce operational and development costs since you’ll no longer need to store and review user documents.

Trust G2's Top Pick with your new players

See how we excel beyond our competitors in key areas, as validated by user reviews on G2


  • What are global database checks?

    A global database check verifies user data through a vast network of databases worldwide. This comprehensive check allows businesses to validate user information, including identity documents, addresses, and other relevant data, for the purpose of onboarding and fraud prevention.

  • What is global ID verification through databases?

    Global ID verification ensures that the ID information provided by users, such as names, dates of birth, ID numbers, addresses, and other relevant data, is legit using a wide range of databases.

  • What features does Global Database Verification enable?

    Sumsub’s Global Database Verification enables Identity Verification, Address Verification, and Age Verification, features that eliminate document-based processes while maintaining highest onboarding security standards. To do this, Sumsub leverages over 250 recognized data sources on a global level.

  • Which use cases are applicable to Global Database Verification?

    Global Database Verification can be used as a standalone personal data verification solution or in combination with other verification products. Some use cases include user pre-verification, where data is pre-screened before the full onboarding process, and user post-verification, which double-checks information submitted during the onboarding process.

  • What verification methods does Global Database Verification apply?

    Global Database Verification leverages two main data verification methods: 1x1 Verification and 2x2 Verification. 1x1 Verification involves cross-matching a single dataset with a single source of data within the user's country. 2x2 Verification goes a step further by cross-matching two datasets with two separate sources of data, offering enhanced security and validation. These methods allow businesses to tailor their verification approach based on industry, use case, and their desired security level.