Anti-fraud software

Secure every step of the client’s journey

Prevent financial and reputational losses with an advanced fraud detection suite

Stop losing money on fraud

Protect your business—and your profits— by detecting fraudulent activity in real time

Balance security and conversion

Keep pass rates high with flows that are easy for users and impassible for fraudsters

Protect the entire customer lifecycle

Detect fraudulent actions at every user step, not only during onboarding

Protect your customer lifecycle
at every step of the way

A verification solution
trusted by Frost & Sullivan

Sumsub’s comprehensive product portfolio that goes beyond identity verification to include business verification, transaction monitoring, case management, and fraud prevention indicates a visionary approach to solving client challenges globally.

Deepali Sath

Senior Industry Analyst at Frost & Sullivan

How we keep you fraud-free

Set up a flexible process
for confident decisions

Build the verification logic the way you like: approve trusted users fast, make verification impossible for bad actors, and choose which cases to send for manual review

Set up a flexible process for confident decisions
Set up a flexible process for confident decisions

Don’t take our word for it.
Here’s what our clients have to say

Dmytro Koval
Dmytro Koval

CEO at Switchere

Sumsub’s turnkey solution allowed us to reduce fraud to almost zero and completely eliminate false verifications of fake documents. All this was accompanied by constant top-notch support that helped us to solve all issues in the fastest possible way.

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  • What is fraud detection?

    Fraud detection is a set of measures that enables identifying malicious user activity during onboarding, credit card transactions, and more. Fraud detection is a mandatory compliance procedure for regulated businesses, like banks or financial services. Unregulated businesses employ fraud detection to prevent losses and enhance security against various types of theft and scams.

  • What can management do to prevent fraud?

    To prevent fraud, a platform can introduce anti-fraud systems, such as Sumsub, that control onboarding and user behavior on their web and mobile applications.

  • What is an anti-fraud solution?

    An anti-fraud solution is a software suite designed to detect and prevent fraudulent activity. Businesses use anti-fraud management systems to stop bad actors from gaining access to their platform, verify legitimate users quickly, and monitor the entire KYC/AML process online in one spot.

  • What does fraud detection software do?

    Anti-fraud software is the go-to solution when it comes to fraud detection. A well-rounded fraud detection software can detect any kind of fraud and help companies verify personal documents and business data in the same place. Its functions include user verification, behavioral analysis, screening against global watchlists and internal blocklists, investigation of suspicious cases, and more. Automation can help detect fraudulent activity at every touchpoint of the customer journey

  • What is the most common fraud detection method?

    Detection methods constantly evolve, and while peer review iused to work for monitoring and detecting fraudulent activity, nowadays the most common method involves automatic screening of user documents and credentials using anti-fraud solutions.