Payment fraud detection solution

No more payment fraud,
No more headache

Ensure that bank cards actually belong to users and say goodbye to illegal chargebacks forever

70% of fraud happens past the KYC stage.
Don't let it happen.

Prevent all chances of fraud, both during registration and prior to the transaction. Safeguard your business from lost revenue, damaged payment partner relations, or even a nightmare-scenario chance of account termination.

Automatically verify every single detail

Check if the bank card is real

Detect graphic editor tampering and get a digital trust score to see if the bank card is trustworthy, at a glance.

Verify bank card ownership

Automatically compare card data with identity information received during KYC checks. Sensitive information is blurred and is not stored in the database.

Identify complex fraud signals

Discover suspicious activity with the help of behavioral risk scores based on the users’ IP address, device fingerprint, and other fraud cues. Cross-check against the 1M+ fraudster database for extra security.

Confirm if the user is legit or not

Run biometric liveness checks in under 4 seconds and identify if the buyer is the owner of the bank card, on any device.

Confirm if the user is legit or not

Let the numbers do the talking: get 240% ROI

Сompanies that work with Sumsub identity verification software save costs and increase revenue, according to the “Total Economic Impact™ Of Sumsub’s Verification Platform study by Forrester Consulting. Let’s see what results you can get

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Keep your users’ data safe

We take data protection very seriously. You don’t have to worry about sensitive bank card information: it’s blurred automatically in accordance with PCI DSS, with all data kept on secure servers. Everything we can do to ensure protection is already in place.

Fits right into your process

The Sumsub SDK requires a one-time integration that’s done in 1 hour, with most clients beginning checks in a week. All further settings are code-free and available in the dashboard

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Works on all devices

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  • What is chargeback fraud?

    Chargeback fraud (also called “friendly fraud”) is the process of claiming refunds for illegitimate reasons. The fraudster initiates the chargeback process with the bank by filing false complaints and authorization complaints online with stolen cards and bank accounts. Without proper chargeback prevention, fraud can cost companies a fortune in the long run and undermine reputations with payment partners.

  • What is chargeback prevention?

    Chargeback prevention is a set of verification measures made to thoroughly screen the cardholder and their bank card before a transaction can be made, which can be performed with verification software tools. The purpose is to prevent illegitimate transactions made with stolen bank cards and chargeback disputes altogether.

  • How do you fight chargeback fraud?

    Chargeback fraud and illegitimate refunds can be prevented with proper bank card credibility analysis and user verification prior to a transaction. Ensure that your new users have legitimate documents and that their bank card matches their identity. By performing this security measure, you fight back against scammers trying to abuse stolen bank cards to issue chargebacks later on, as well as other scams and friendly fraud chargebacks. Sumsub provides a chargeback fraud prevention solution crucial in achieving fraud prevention.