Non-Doc Verification

Onboard with Non-Doc Verification instantly

Onboard more than 2 billion users with a swift non-doc check through government databases or open banking.

  • 4.5 sec

    average verification time

  • 2 bln.+

    users verified through gov. databases

  • +35%

    average pass rate growth

Stay compliant anywhere

Verify users worldwide with confidence thanks to secure government database checks that ensure full compliance

Boost your revenue

Onboard users in under 5 seconds for higher conversions and fewer drop-offs

Stay fraud-free

Sumsub verifies every user via databases with optional liveness checks for extra security

Onboard instantly

Use Non-Doc Verification to replace your entire KYC process. Instantly onboard users in 10+ countries using just their ID document number and a Liveness Check—or via bank account logins in the Netherlands and UK.
Click on the countries below to see how your users will get onboarded fast.

  • Brazil
  • India
  • Nigeria
  • The Netherlands
  • The UK
Secure government database checks

Explore our map to find out where you can use document-free or document-based database verification to eliminate onboarding roadblocks.

Capitalize on Non-Doc Verification

No more struggling with regional differences and non-standard IDs. Go fully digital with Sumsub’s Non-Doc Verification and onboard users in seconds.

  • Expand worldwide

    Non-Doc Verification is available for users from Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, the Netherlands, and the UK, with more coming soon. In these countries, Sumsub covers 90% of the population on average. Reach out to learn more about your target markets.

  • Stay compliant anywhere

    Non-Doc Verification is a compliant way to onboard customers in many regulations, including Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Malta, Seychelles, South Africa, the British Virgin Islands, the UK, and the US.

  • Customize flows code-free

    Design verification flows in a visual interface for top pass rates and protection—no coding needed. Easily switch between non-doc and doc-based checks, giving legitimate users a chance to onboard quickly while putting risky ones through extra steps.

  • Deter all fraud

    Safeguard your business from even the most sophisticated fraud attacks. Sumsub will automatically screen transactions, check for duplicates, and perform behavioral risk scoring.

Don’t take our word for it.
Here’s what our clients have to say

Guy-Louis de le Vingne
Guy-Louis de le Vingne

CEO at MyMove

We decided to enter a new market to team up with car dealerships, rental companies and  building owners – real estate companies, for example. This B2B2C model meant that everyone could basically use a vehicle from the fleet of our clients. Of course, in this case, since they didn’t necessarily know these people, we needed to verify their identity and their driver license for our new clients. So that’s when I think, about two years ago, we started looking for a partner that could do the KYC procedures for us.

Choosing Your Ideal Solution?

Sumsub is G2's Top Pick. See how we excel beyond our competitors in key areas,
as validated by user reviews on G2


  • What is a non-doc method of identity verification?

    Non-doc identity verification enables verifying customer identities without requesting their IDs. This method is based on customer data verification through public data sources. The customer enters some of their data, such as their identification number, and the verification provider cross-checks it via secure government databases.

  • When can non-doc customer verification be used?

    Non-doc identity verification can be used for online customer verification in countries with secure gov. databases, speeding up user onboarding and increasing pass rates since users only need to provide their identification number.

  • What are non-doc forms of ID?

    ID numbers, social security numbers, and pre-verified credentials (done by a different entity or a partner) that are confirmed via a liveness check.

  • Documentary vs. non-documentary verification

    Documentary verification is based on validating customer identity documents such as IDs, passports, driving licenses, and more. The non-documentary method of verifying identity doesn’t require users to upload their documents, and instead uses their identification numbers to cross–check through public databases.