Feb 21, 2022
2 min read

Know Your Match: Can You Onboard Users Without Getting into Trouble? [Game]

Play this game to see if you can filter out unwanted customers.

The Tinder Swindler, a trending Netflix documentary, portrays Simon Leviev, a criminal that has scammed women for millions of dollars by pretending to be a millionaire on a popular dating app.

The story reminds us of the perils of remote onboarding, where it can be very difficult to distinguish ordinary users from those who can spell trouble. And troublesome users can come in many forms: fraudsters, underage users, sanctioned individuals, or Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs).

For instance, fraudsters can create fake identities using stolen IDs to achieve all sorts of illicit goals. Underaged users may try to sneak past age controls to access adult control. Meanwhile, PEPs and sanctions individuals, if undetected, can lead to severe compliance-related penalties.

Here’s a game that can test out your ability to filter out potentially problematic customers. Some bios contain red flags, so keep your eye on their personal details.

Any reference to living persons is purely coincidental

With Sumsub, you don’t have to worry about your compliance obligations. Talk to our team today.

How Sumsub protects businesses from fraud

Sumsub is a tech company that helps businesses verify clients and stay compliant with shifting regulations.

As you’ve seen in the game, a quick glance at a user’s profile isn’t always enough to determine if you can onboard them compliantly. To be 100% safe, it’s necessary to conduct proper customer due diligence that includes document verification, biometric checks, sanctions and PEP screening.

To protect businesses from fraudsters, PEPs, sanctioned individuals, and other problematic users, Sumsub’s verification solution has the following features built-in:

Facial biometrics (liveness, and face match)—Conducts real-time biometric checks to ensure that the true document holder is present during verification.

Security features and anti-photoshop check—Screens documents and their security features (stamps, holograms, watermarks) and detects signs of graphic editing.

Screenshot and screen recapture check—Ensures that genuine photographs are submitted rather than screenshots or recaptured images of screens.

Behavioral risk score—Employs device fingerprint analysis to track suspicious user configurations and location mismatches.

Streamline your KYC/AML routine to give clients quicker access to your service, all while minimizing fraud risks.

See Sumsub in action
