Apr 04, 2022
2 min read

Statement Regarding the War in Ukraine

We stand in support of the people in Ukraine. We call for peace, an immediate ceasefire, and for the urgent rescue of the hundreds of thousands of civilians—including women, children and the elderly—who remain in danger. We condemn this war and all the heinous crimes revealed in its wake, as well as all the atrocities yet to be revealed.

This tragedy is personal for our team. Like many other IT companies in Europe and elsewhere, we have Russian-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking team members. There are no two different opinions about this war among our people. We are all united by a common feeling of grief. And we share this grief as a team.

Our foremost priority in the past weeks has been the safety of our employees, customers, and of course the sustainability of our service.

In response to the crisis, we have taken several steps.

First, we have ceased all operations in Russia and Belarus. This means that:

  1. We have stopped sales of our products in Russia and Belarus and discontinued maintenance of our products for clients located in these two countries.
  2. We have left our remaining assets in Russia to an independent local company. So from now on our brand is no longer represented in Russia and Belarus.
  3. We have relocated our remaining employees from Russia and Belarus to our offices in Germany, UK and Cyprus.
  4. The few early investors with Russian exposure who retained minor shares in our company have now all left us.

We are also concentrating on providing support for our Ukrainian teammates and their communities. Over the past several weeks, we have been in constant communication with our team members in Ukraine, providing them with evacuation assistance, financial aid, and mental health support.

As always, we will try as hard as we can to do our job—which is to fight fraud, stop dirty money flowing from corrupt regimes, and prevent such regimes from becoming the perpetrators of the crimes that we are sadly witnessing.

We will keep this statement updated.

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