Feb 25, 2019
2 min read

Let Users Log into Services That Demand Real-World ID with Sumsub Single Tap KYC

In a search of a way to improve our system, we are excited to present a newly developed faster solution to the verification process. No more time wasting for your clients — let them enjoy your platform!

On the internet, we are constantly bombarded with dozens of requests to register, fill in forms, sign in and what is close to home — get verified. “Oh, not again!” that is what your potential customer will think to themselves and question if they actually want to get on with another one. Putting an end to this endless routine we made it simpler for you and your client.

Now, with our essential single tap KYC potential clients will be requested to go through the verification procedure only once and for all. Let them get straight to business with our seamless single tap KYC!

So, what is the Sumsub Mobile SDK? 

The idea behind the new feature is akin to the Google or Facebook ones when you can register almost anywhere with your accounts already set up on these platforms. Once your client set up their account with Sumsub KYC they can use it to verify identity whenever other platforms ask to do so. Thus, your company can efficiently foster customer loyalty and save on multiple verifications.

To get your client started

The rules of the initial account verification are the same and collect the essential personal data. There are just three steps to be done only once:

  • Choose the proof of identity — a document of choice, such as passport, id card or driver license;
  • Upload the selected identity proof photo into the system;
  • Upload a photo of yourself with the supplied document or undergo liveness detection;
  • In some cases, the system will require to supply more documents, such as proof of address, proof of source of funds, etc.

With accelerated single tap KYC, once a client has been verified in the system – other platforms will simply get the info from us without bothering you to go through the same routine again and again!

The process has become more advanced while staying secure and trustworthy for businesses and customers.

Improvements in user experience

Our team got around the problem of different requirement packages that platforms demand. So, if an online tutoring platform requires just a photo and an e-wallet profile asks for more photos and additional documents, Sumsub single tap KYC got it covered!

Now, isn’t it handy? We are saving your customer’s time and nerves while building up trusting business relationships.

All in all, Sumsub is rooting for stress-free enjoyable customer experience. As of today, introducing a single tap KYC we eliminate inconvenient repetition of the processes that are almost identical across all internet platforms. We have made verification quick and stress-free and your clients happy to get straight to business!

See Sumsub in action