Feb 04, 2019
2 min read

Introducing Sumsub Mobile SDK: First Impression Matters!

When customers get started with your app, there’s an opportunity to engage them and make their journey lightning fast. Today we’re extremely proud to update you on one of our best kept secrets yet!

We’ve launched a brand new Sumsub Mobile SDK, that works as a chatbot, so that you can create the most engaging and secure onboarding experience for the users.

About a month ago, we quietly released our SDK and the results were nothing short of amazing! Some of our clients are already using it, and in doing so, save end-users’ time and eliminate frustration.

In this post, we wanted to give you a quick introduction to the product and show how this feature will completely change the way users get started with you, for the better!

So, what is the Sumsub Mobile SDK? 

A great customer experience today is about meeting people where they already are. And today, there’s one channel with more potential customers than anywhere else: messaging and chatbots.

How does the flow work 

It’s simple: when a customer uses your service at the very first time and needs to be verified, they start with Sumsub. Our Bot inquires users about their citizenship, then asks them to upload photos of their ID document and then, look into the camera and say several random words that will be shown on their screen to ensure face and voice liveness.

The system then uses machine-learning to instantly check whether a user is who they claim to be and gives instant results.

Sounds exciting, but how can I get started?

An SDK seamlessly integrates into your Android or iOS app and allows you to automatically perform ID verification or full KYC/AML procedure in seconds. The end result? To provide a better user experience.

What are the checks?

The system uses a wide steck of AI-based technologies and third-party and proprietary data to:

  • Determine the traces of retouching and photoshop;
  • Recognize text from the document and check it in third-party databases to ensure, if the document exists, was it lost or stolen;
  • Confirm if a customer is really who they say they are with the help of a liveness check (face, emotions and voice);
  • Monitor fraudulent patterns in users’ behavior and check ID with a proprietary database of fraudsters;
  • CDD: checks in global sanctions and watchlists, PEPs, and adverse media.
  • Deliver the exact answer right there, directly in the conversation. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes, on average. Verification itself is conducted almost instantly

Our Bot speaks directly to our vision for the future – a world where Messengers, Bots and Apps can provide radical efficiencies for your business.

Talk with one of our experts to understand exactly how Sumsub Mobile SDK can streamline the way you onboard users.

See Sumsub in action