Sep 20, 2018
2 min read

5 Reasons Why API and iFrame-driven Solutions Are the Best for ICO KYC Compliance

We have finished KYC projects for 300+ clients, and explain why API and iFrame are the fastest, easiest and, at the same time, a 100% working tool for the integration. The so-called iFrame is an HTML document that is embedded inside a website or mobile app. In other words, it is a full KYC service, that can be inserted as a piece of the content into a webpage.

It’s really very easy. Once you have the code for the KYC, you simply need to paste it into your website. That is it.

Benefits of iFrame vs API KYC:

  • Very easy. You can set it up and go live in a couple of hours;
  • The service takes care of your users — it instantly guides and supports them through the whole verification process;
  • No complicated code needed to become KYC compliant;
  • No need to attract developers and designers. The solution already has a nice design, follows the product logic and combines user experience, which was tested many times in different projects and situations;
  • App takes care of data privacy issues like GDPR, local Asian, Eastern European directives and the USA legislation.

iFrame (not API KYC ) saves you ICO conversion from:

  • The lack of time. In our practice, sometimes ICOs come to us only 3-4 hours before the crowd-sale. They need fast and reliable KYC, and we manage to perform everything properly. With API KYC the integration takes at least several hours.
  • The lack of scalability. The number of contributors in your ICO in unpredictable. So it happened with one of our Asian clients. Their marketing team was so successful that the project had to take on board 10,000 users in 10 seconds. Not every system can handle a challenge like that. ICO’s own website dropped down, however, we were able to verify all the contributors in time. For comparison, with API KYC.
  • Lower conversion. As mentioned before, iFrame has an integrated internal logic. API – driven KYC solutions require the clients to create lots of blocks by themselves: the whole user journey, approach to grey zones, screens, response of the system, etc. While creating it themselves, the client takes a risk to drop the conversion dramatically by omitting some little details. At the same time, iFrame guarantees higher conversion rates. In most of our cases drop rates were about 10% with the help of thoughtful UX and instant customer support.

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